Notes about Emacs

1 Install the emacs

brew install emacs-plus@27 [options]

2 Some commonly used keyboard shortcut in emacs

Operations Commands
copy M-w
cut C-w
undo C-x-u
select C-space
paste C-y
save C-x-C-s
delete forward M-D
delete backward M-delete
go to line number M-g-g
split the window C-x-3
export to C-c-C-e
go to the end of the line C-e
shift to another window C-x-o
show all the buffers C-x-b
go to the next buffer C-x- ->
kill a buffer C-x-k
create ordered numbering list M-enter
open a link inside the org file C-c-C-o

M: stands for the alt/option button

C: stands for the control button

3 Useful commands for Python

C-c-C-c: send the full python script to python buffer

M-x-run-python: select the segments to the python buffer used for debugging. Then use C-c-C-c to run it.

C- up-arrow: in python buffer to see the history of commnads

C-down-arrow: in python file will move the cursor faster, skips the blank spaces

C-c-C-d: in python file to show the documentation

M-x-my-clear: clears the history in ipython shell where my-clear is the predefined function in the file shown as below.

(defun my-clear ()
 (let ((comint-buffer-maximum-size 0))

4 Basics on using Magit

5 Basics on linking files to another

  • open the to-be-linked file and press C-c-l
  • write the description for the to-be-linked file
  • go to the main file and press C-c-C-l

6 Some common commands in Puhti

  • login to Puhti
  • check the workpaces in a folder (how many spaces taken by each folder)
du -sh *
  • check one's own workspace under a folder in Puhti
  • run job in the interactivate way
srun --ntasks=1 --time=00:15:00 --gres=gpu:v100:1 --mem=1G --pty --account=asignal --partition=gputest bash

Author: Shanshan Wang

Created: 2020-08-18 Tue 22:33
